Aug 12, 2014

Gratitude and Kindness

Who doesn’t like receiving gifts? I don’t know of anyone, so if you’re one, well you’re definitely one of a kind.

So as not to generalize everyone, and to be safe, I’ll say that most of us love receiving gifts. We are materialistic by nature so we like getting stuff. We like being surprised. We like the thoughtfulness that goes with the gift. It means we are important, and we are loved. Not that those who don’t get gifts are not loved. But I’m sure you get my drift.

Best of all about a gift is that it’s free!

The problem with something freely given is we do not get to choose. That’s true most times because it’s already there right in front of us, waiting for us to take it, unless of course the giver decides to take you to the store and ask you to choose whatever you like (Goody! Even better hehe).

This morning, I was given a reminder that we as receivers of gifts must also be gracious. Not all things we receive are exactly to our taste or liking. On some gifts we would jump gleefully like a 2-yr old kid with a new toy. Some gifts, however may not exactly suit our taste. That is understandable, because we are all different. What is not understandable is when you don't show gratitude and appreciation. To me, being ungrateful is downgrading the thoughtfulness that comes with the gift, not to mention the giver him/herself. I mean, you don't have to do cartwheels or rave (falsely) over the gift. Simply saying "Thank you." is enough.

One thing I learned about being a receiver is showing appreciation for the gift whenever possible. Truth be told, most gifts I receive, I actually use personally. I do not give them away, unless it’s food and I cannot consume it all before the expiry date hehehe.

Well, there’s this one that I gave away just recently. It’s a lady’s handbag. Why did I give it away? Well, it’s fitted for more formal dresses and I rarely wear dresses. Second, it looks better with an older woman. Guess to whom I gave it? My mom of course! She wears dresses and she’s older. And honestly, it looked better on her. The good thing is she likes it and she’s actually using it. With me, it will just gather dust and you know what happens to leather bags eventually. The thing is, I didn’t simply just give it away or worse throw it away. I gave it to someone who is important to me. Had my mom not liked it, I had several aunts who would be all too pleased to have it…but I would never throw it away. That is just so ungrateful.

I think that more than the gift, we should think about the giver first. After all, it’s not the material things that last but the thought and love that come with the gifts.

So next time you’re given something you don’t like, be gracious, be thankful and see beyond the gift. More blessings come to those who have a grateful heart.


  1. Hi, sis! Indeed. More blessings come to a grateful heart. On that note, I'd like to inform you that I finally uploaded my post on that Versatile Blogger Award that you so graciously gave me. Thank you so much again! Here's the post: Versatile Blogger Award: Delighted to Receive it!

  2. Your welcome sis and thank you too!

