About Me

Who is Aileen?
I am mostly stumped when I have to tell something about myself.  For someone who can freely speak about many topics of interest, talking about myself seems a bit of a chore.  Maybe I just don't like focusing the attention on me.  But I'll give it a try anyway.
I currently work and live in Manila and I have been officially independent since age 26.  That was almost 15 years ago, so yeah, you can probably guess my age.  I'm still single.  I have three adorable nephews who live with my mom and sister in the province.  I love them to bits and I try to come home and visit them as much as I can.
They say that I took after my dad's looks and I suppose they're right.  If I'd been born a boy, I might have been his junior.  I've also inherited his love for music.  He taught me how to play the guitar, maybe realizing that I'm not much of a singer hehe.  My dad's a gentle spirit and when I was much, much younger, I am like him, very calm and gentle-mannered.  As I grew older, and being mostly left to fend for my own, I realize that I am now more like my mom...feisty when it's necessary. I try to keep a balance though.
I have a college degree in Chemical Engineering.  I love Chemistry so I guess that figures.  But although I took up a Science course, I'm also an artist by heart.  So, aside from music, I also love to draw and do a bit of crafting and lettering.  I guess I have also wanted to write, to paint with words as they say.  But I'm not much a of a storyteller or a novelist.  I guess I am more of an essayist or just a short article writer.  Anyway, whatever you may call it, it's still writing.  So yes, I fiddle and twiddle with words.
