Oct 15, 2012

The Missing Page Views

The Crossed Arms
Crossed Arms
If you're like me who's keen on watching blog statistics and can notice the minutest detail, then you can't possibly miss the fact that the page views statistics have been reset to zero.  Just a few minutes ago, I suppose.  Is it a cause for panic?  Hardly, I think, unless I see some published posts gone missing also.  So far, only the page views are back to square one. 

As soon as I found out that my views were back to zero, I Googled about it and apparently, a lot of people are affected.  It's already reported as a known issue with Blogger  Is it all Blogger publishers?  I don't really know.  It's just a comfort to know that I'm not the only one, so there will be more people hounding Blogger for what happened and it's not an isolated case.  

Too bad, just when my other blog is nearing the 10K mark and this blog almost making it to a thousand views (it's a new blog so give it a break lol!), it's back to that egg-shaped symbol.  

I hope Blogger could bring back the lost stats, but I am fearing that someone probably hit a wrong button and everything went kaput!  Let's see how things turn out.  I hope that's just about the worst that could happen.

So, for those who have like millions of views already, you're probably sulking like this little girl now.  Don't go ballistic...it could have been worse.


  1. yes dear! I was shocked myself upon opening my blogger just a few minutes ago. hhhmm..

    1. You're really quick sis lol! I just published this and am surprised it has a comment already. I hope it's not a hard reset that has happened but just a temporary glitch with Blogger. If it was reset, no way that could be recovered, I think.

  2. It happened to me too! I had about 80,000 page views and today they just disappeared. I'm still showing well over 500 comments, but was so freaked out over things not working right that I put off doing th post I was intending. I'm glad you wrote about it. I hope it gets fixed and we get our views back. I wonder how wide-spread it is?

    1. Wow, 80K views is a lot to lose. I know that a lot of bloggers put up the page views widget as some sort of badge. I do hope it gets fixed.

  3. I sure hope Blogger is acting up on this fast...am sure a lot of bloggers with high page views are already freaking out as we speak.

  4. This has happened to me as well. I went from 175k to Zero. I'm so upset.

    1. Sorry to hear about that Bridget. I would be very upset with that too.
      More upset people right here --> Forum: Blogger Stats Missing

  5. Same here. My page views are zero now :((

  6. Well...You're right Aileen. I felt so upset after seeing all my page views. My Home sweet home blog stats is the highest ranking, having almost 200k page views with just more than a year of being operational. My other blog, Life's Tips and Tricks has almost 120K and High Tea my less than a year blog has 16K. Who wouldn't feel desperate? I worked hard for it! Page views in fact inspired me. Tsskkkk Hope Blogger can resolve this issue soon. :(

    1. Let's just wait and hope Blogger resolves this. I understand how you feel. Even I with my measly page views still find it to be source of disappointment.

  7. Ha!Went to zero!Kalurkey...Baka google will resolve it after two weeks (like what happened when I got my custom domain...).

  8. Blogger is working on it...the page views on this blog has been restored. Just waiting for my other blog to regain the "lost" views. That's good news. :-)

  9. Hmmm... I wasn't able to check mine lately. Thanks for the info, sis. Miss yah!

    1. Don't trouble yourself sis! It's back to normal. Good thing you never noticed it or you would have freaked out like us who were obsessed with stats lol!

    2. That's good to hear. I saw it but wasn't too bothered about it coz I don't display my stats anyway.

      What will probably concern me is if I lose the organic traffic (e.g. from 500 hits a day to 100) due to changes in google search algorithm

