Oct 11, 2015

{Day 11}: Sunday Rest

Today's word prompt: REST

Sunday morning in the province...

...a quiet morning...no alarms ringing.  I don't set an alarm for this day.

...the only day in the week when I don't have to wake up at five in the morning and start the day early.

...what a glorious morning to just stay in bed for a while longer, stare at the ceiling and contemplate on the day ahead....and then just pray and thank the Lord for this day.

Then slowly, without the usual rush, I get up, stretching a bit to loosen stiff muscles.  I heat up water for coffee and then cook breakfast.  In a while, it would be time to wake up my nephews.  My mom's an early riser so she'll be up and about same time as I am.

We would enjoy a hearty breakfast and animated talk.

And then it's time for church, singing worship songs, praying, and listening to God's Word.

Such is our morning routine when I am in the province with my family.  It's not that I was totally free of things to do, but it's a very welcome break from the rush of the work week.

Sundays are all about doing things at a slow, relaxed pace.  It's the time when I take a  pause, thank God for the week that has passed. It's when we pause that we get to take the time to appreciate our blessings. And spending time with family is my kind of rest, a welcome break from the pressures of work. 

How wonderful that God thought of it, a rest day to recharge and renew ourselves, body and spirit.  

Take the time and enjoy this day for God made it for us.

A blessed Sunday to everyone!

This is Day 11 of the series
31 Days of Free Writes: A Journey of Faith.
Read the rest of the posts here.

To read about what hundreds of others are writing
about, head on over this link and also here.

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