May 21, 2012

A Welcome Note to My New Journal

Macbook!? by Ramona.Forcella
Macbook!?, a photo by Ramona.Forcella on Flickr.

Here I go again with a new blog.  I have been cluttering the web with my personal posts since 2004.  I have voiced my opinions on issues that interest me.  I have ranted about some stuff.  Mostly, I just chatter away about anything that came to mind and I just had to spill them out somehow, in writing.  I can be opinionated at times, but at other times, I am simply just blurting out what I am probably doing again in this post.  I guess some things never change hahaha!  Still, I love to write.  It is one of my outlets and I suppose it's that inner desire in each of us to express one's thoughts...the need to be heard, somehow.

I am really not sure what to make of those blogs of the past. So instead of continuing where I left off, I decided to just start fresh, much like buying a new journal or notebook.  I'm such a sucker for that.  I just hope that I can finally put more sense and direction into this one and that this won't turn into an old notebook stashed away and forgotten after a time. 

With my other recent blog, I Heart Good Health, I have learned that one has to stay on track with the topic or theme or niche.  So, that one will always be about my health journeys...period.  But I have got more to write about that I decided on having yet another blog to showcase my other interests (or simply the things I still like to blabber about).  

But although this will be some sort of a personal journal, I'd like to focus only on certain things that I could keep writing about on and on and on.  Otherwise this will suffer the same fate as my other blogs that don't exactly traverse on a clear path.  Kind of like getting lost on the journey and not knowing where else to go.

So, here goes...welcome to Ms Aileen A's personal blog!  I hope that somehow, I can share some bits of wisdom about my life and personal experiences.


  1. More blogs from you, more fun. Yay!!

  2. Yay! So honored that Ma'am Rhodora is my very first commenter on this blog. Thanks for the visit sis!

  3. Keep writing A! You're good at it.

