Nov 22, 2012

Orgami Project: Pink Crane

I've been exploring Stumble Upon early this morning, giving thumbs up on things I like. I chanced upon this site about origami. It's not a busy day so I thought of grabbing a piece of scratch paper, one with writings on one side.  I followed the 3D animation step by step.  You can actually click the pause button if you can't catch up.  You can even back track if you've missed something.  Well, as with hands that are used to computer keyboard, I had a little trouble with some of the folds but I managed to make a decent crane.  After a while, I decided to make another one on a clean piece of paper.  I was trying to memorize the steps.  I plan to teach my nephews this weekend when I come to visit them.  The second one turned out okay.  It was a big one, so I thought why not make a small one too?  

Here's the third crane made of pink post it note that's about 4 by 4 inches.  I think this one came out better than the two previous practice pieces.  I also think that in the coming days, my office table will be cluttered with small, colored cranes hehehe.  

Pink crane perching on Sam (the tablet)

According to the website, the crane is a symbol of peace.  It is also believed that if you make a thousand cranes, your wish will come true.  Oh right, now I have 997 cranes to go.  Hahaha!  I'm getting the hang of this so maybe, if I don't get too busy, I'll be learning new ones.  How about a pterodactyl? Or am I pushing too much? We'll see. 


  1. so cute and you put it on your gadget i like too haha! Is this the one we used to do when we were little kids? (or boat lang ginawa mo nun haha)

    1. I can make boats and airplanes and tulips but that's about it. Am learning new ones now hehehe

  2. Hello Aileen. There are actually books you can buy about origami. I think I bought mine at Toy Kingdom for my kids and they actually had fun doing them. There is actually a story behind that origami crane, a very touching one that you may want to research.

    Blessings !

    1. I'll do that sis. I only have a vague memory of the story. It's great that as I teach my nephews, I can also tell the story. By the way sis, I can't find the link to click to be able to comment in your blog. I see that you've revised the template.

  3. hee I'm currently addicted to making cranes too.
    I'm trying to make one with different materials. :3

    sharing the story behind paper cranes :D >

  4. I'm curious, did you really try making a pterodactyl? I won't be surprised if you'll say yes. :-)

    1. I totally forgot about that because of the rush before I took my vacation leave...but now that you've reminded me, I'll try to get my hands on that one of these days :-)

