Oct 15, 2015

{Day 15}: Laugh Like A Child

Today's word prompt: LAUGH

Have you ever laughed out so loud and for so long that you sides hurt and you still laugh anyway?  And maybe the one seeing you can't seem to figure out the disfigurement in your face as you laugh and wince at the same time?  And how about laughing continuously and you can't seem to stop? It will subside for a while and then the snickers would start and then you burst into laughter again?

Oh I missed those moments...really good, hearty laugh.  And if it were only possible to do it everyday, I would.  I guess the probability of that is higher when you're with kids.  Just watching them laugh with abandon is enough to make you smile even if you're having a bad day.  That is why I try to spend as much time as possible with my nephews, even just talking with them on the phone.  Their innocence and laughter are like balm to a tired, weary heart.  They're like stress busters in some ways.

Maybe that is why Jesus said:

Let the little children come to me 
and do not hinder them, for to such 
belongs the kingdom of heaven.
--Matthew 19:14 (ESV)

There is something we can re-learn from children.  And maybe once in a while, we could just be like children again, just enjoying the simple pleasures of life.  

This is Day 15 of the series
31 Days of Free Writes: A Journey of Faith.
Read the rest of the posts here.

To read about what hundreds of others are writing
about, head on over this link and also here.

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