Oct 18, 2015

{Day 18}: A Woman's Worth in God's Eyes

Today's word prompt: WORTH

I've been privileged to hear Ms. Darlene Sala speak in one of her talks last month.  I can't tell you how star-struck I was when I saw her up close.  You see, before the talk, I was looking over books on the table outside the main hall.  I saw her book "More Precious Than Diamonds" and I grabbed a copy and paid immediately.  She was nearby, just arrived and she hasn't sat down yet to rest or something.  She saw me holding the book and gestured to me, and asked if I wanted it signed.  I hesitated for a fraction of a second before I hurriedly took on her offer.  

Such a very nice, unassuming lady, very down to earth, with a very engaging smile, kind eyes, and did I say she's nice?  Oh she is!  And she's a very beautiful woman, inside and out.  It's like I'm looking at a very rare diamond.  He heart simply shines through.

Her book tells every woman that they are precious in God's eyes, more precious than even the rarest of diamonds, that we are worth far more that we even realize.  

Some of us may feel we don't amount to anything, that we are a failure in life.  But oh how wrong for us to think of our worth in that way.  Because whatever we have done in the past, whatever backgrounds we may have come from, no matter how we feel like we don't measure up, in God's eyes, we are all loved... cherished... treasured.... 

How great is that? 

And this is all because God loves each one of us, with a love that we cannot fathom because it's simply beyond all understanding.  And how blessed we are to be loved by God!  

Now before I forget, this is how she re-affirms my worth in a very short, simple, but really sweet message:

This is Day 18 of the series
31 Days of Free Writes: A Journey of Faith.
Read the rest of the posts here.

To read about what hundreds of others are writing
about, head on over this link and also here.

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